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What is Camp Grandma?

Camp Grandma is time you set aside to spend quality time with your grandchildren making special memories that will last a lifetime. Getting started can be overwhelming at first, I know it was for me, I only had  a couple of months to plan my first camp, I made a few mistakes, but nobody knew but me. Start planning your camp by answering the questions below. Have fun and enjoy your own Camp Grandma, please let me know how it goes.


1.    How long  will your camp be? My camp is one week long, but you can do a weekend or even two weeks.


2.     Will you have a day camp or overnight camp? If your campers are in town you may choose a day camp, that way you can clean up and prepare for the next day’s events. For overnight campers you need to have a place to sleep. Our living room turns into a campground. Initially we used sleeping bags, but this year I made “pillow beds”  so my campers are much more comfortable.


3.    What traditions will you start? My daughter Crystal lives at home and she is a wonderful auntie, her one request was that we always visit a museum during camp grandma. We also visit a tea house, we took Bella to her 1st one when she was only 5 months old.


4.    What things are your campers interested in? Mine like to cook, and garden, this year we made pickles because we had so many from the garden. Go online and find out what museums, zoos, festivals or other points of interest there are in your area. Check out Pinterest for fun ideas. Most of all have fun with your campers  and just enjoy being together.

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